Outils pour adapter et améliorer la gestion d'invasions d'insectes (EFA335/19)

Le projet HAMELIN (EFA335/19) a été cofinancé à hauteur de 65% par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER) au travers du Programme Interreg V-A Espagne-France-Andorre (POCTEFA 2014-2020). L’objectif du POCTEFA est de renforcer l’intégration économique et sociale de l’espace frontalier Espagne-France-Andorre. Son aide est concentrée sur le développement d’activités économiques, sociales et environnementales transfrontalières au travers de stratégies conjointes qui favorisent le développement durable du territoire.

Objectif : Développement d'une solution technologique pour la création d'un système de lutte contre la mouche noire dans le delta de l'Èbre à Tarragone, Espagne.



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With a total cost of €864,000, the Interreg POCTEFA HAMELIN project aims to the development of technological tools to improve the management of pests and more specifically, the development of technological solutions for the creation of a control system against the black fly in the Ebro delta in Tarragona (Spain).

This project brings together 2 scientific research actors and an engineering office: the International Centre for Digital Methods in Engineering (CIMNE, Barcelona - project leader), CEFREM (laboratory of the University of Perpignan), and the engineering office specialized in GIS SITEP (Barcelona).

Each actor is responsible for implementing an interconnected tool. CEFREM proposed a climatic analysis system based on artificial intelligence allowing the prediction of hygrometric conditions favorable to the proliferation of swarms of parasites. This system implements an artificial intelligence analyzing environmental information related to the state of the sea and the atmosphere.
CIMNE has developed a system for collecting ecological information related to parasites. Based on participatory science via smartphones, this system requires citizens to communicate their observations of stored in databases and then analyzed for geolocalization.
Finally, once located, SITEP dispatches its drones to surgically spray a natural biocide. The action of the drone reduces the indiscriminate spread of pesticides.

For CEFREM, this project was an opportunity to study the ocean-atmosphere links at meso- and synoptic scales. Indeed, the Balearic Sea and the Gulf of Lions constitute 2 pools with very distinct characteristics, including heat content, and cyclonic activity. This has an influence on local atmospheres. Also, these two pools are linked by the Ligurian-Provençal current, which is sensitive to global changes.

The European projects labeled Interreg POCTEFA allow to strengthen the cross-border cooperation between South Catalonia and North Catalonia. These public-private projects are co-financed by funds from the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), the POCTEFA program (Spain-France-Andorra Interregional Program) and the private contributions of the participants. 




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