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Fonction Cefrem, Université de Perpignan 52, av. Paul Alduy |
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plongée scientifique, moyens à la mer, développement instrumental, sondes multi-paramètres, observation, imagerie sédimentaire, aquariologie, biologie marine, océanographie.
2000 à 2010 : Master Sorbonne université
Techniques de prélèvements et mise en œuvre de moyens à la mer (profileur sédimentaire, sondes, carottier, rosettes, bennes, dragues, filets, pièges à particules, collecteurs, ...) ; plongée scientifique ; granulométrie ; Sediment Profile Imaging
2010 à 2019 : Master Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris Sciences et Lettres)
Sondes multi-paramètres, plongée scientifique
Depuis 2019 : Master et Diplôme de l’Université de Perpignan
Plongée Scientifique en Environnement Marin
Spatiotemporal changes in surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna composition off the Rhône River in relation to its hydrological regime, October 2014, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. Paulo Bonifácio, Solveig Bourgeois, Céline Labrune, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare.
Spatial and Temporal Variations in Stable Carbon (?13C) and Nitrogen (?15N) Isotopic Composition of Symbiotic Scleractinian Corals, December 2013, PLoS ONE. Sarah Nahon, Nicole Richoux, Joanna Kolasinki, Martin Desmalades, Véronique Berteaux-Lecellier
Semi-automatic analysis and interpretation of sediment profile images, September 2013, Environmental Modelling and Software. Alicia Romero-Ramirez, Antoine Grémare, Martin Desmalades, Jean-Claude Duchêne
Trophic relationships and UV-absorbing compounds in a Mediterranean medio-littoral rocky shore community, July 2012, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Sarah Nahon, Christian Nozais, Jérôme Delamare-Deboutteville, Martin Desmalades, François Charles
Comparison of ecological quality indices based on benthic macrofauna and sediment profile images: A case study along an organic enrichment gradient off the Rhône River, January 2012, Ecological Indicators. Céline Labrune, Alicia Romero-Ramirez, Jean Michel Amouroux, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare
Influence of the organic matter composition on benthic oxygen demand in the RhÔne River prodelta (NW Mediterranean Sea), June 2011, Continental Shelf Research. Lucie Pastor, Bruno Deflandre, Eric Viollier, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare.
Can UV radiation affect benthic deposit-feeders through biochemical alteration of food resources? An experimental study with juveniles of the benthic polychaete Eupolymnia nebulosa, March 2011, Marine Environmental Research. Sarah Nahon, Audrey Pruski, Jean-Claude Duchêne, Martin Desmalades, François Charles.
Spatial heterogeneity in the food web of a heavily modified Mediterranean coastal lagoon: Stable isotope evidence, April 2009, Aquatic Biology. Antoine Carlier, Pascal Riera, JM Amouroux, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare.
Early diagenetic processes in a RIOMAR system: the Rhône delta, January 2009, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Lucie Pastor, Bruno Deflandre, Eric Viollier, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare
Food web structure of two Mediterranean lagoons under varying degree of eutrophication, November 2008, Journal of Sea Research. Antoine Carlier, Pascal Riera, Jean-Michel Amouroux, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare.
A seasonal survey of the food web in the Lapalme Lagoon (northwestern Mediterranean) assessed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis, June 2007, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. Antoine Carlier, Pascal Riera, Jean-Michel Amouroux, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare.
Does sediment resuspension by storms affect the fate of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the benthic food chain? Interactions between changes in POM characteristics, adsorption and absorption by the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, December 2005, Continental Shelf Research. François Charles, Susanna Lopez-Legentil, Antoine Grémare, Martin Desmalades, Karine Escoubeyrou.
Feeding behavior and functional response of Abra ovata and A. nitida compared by image analysis, February 2004, Marine Ecology Progress Series. Antoine Grémare, Jean-Claude Duchêne, Rutger Rosenberg, Martin Desmalades.
Reproduction, recruitment and larval metamorphosis in the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina (O.F. Muller), June 2003, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, François Charles, Esther Jordana, Jean-Michel Amouroux, Martin Desmalades, Antoine Grémare, Laurent Zudaire.
Rapports :
Mise en œuvre des sondes multi-paramètres et des houlographes Sea-bird, 2012, 22 pages, Martin Desmalades.
Etude comparative de 10 substrats de filtration biologique en aquariophilie marine, 1997, 100 pages, Martin Desmalades.