Cefrem, Université de Perpignan batiment R, CBETM 52, av. Paul Alduy |
*projet SUBIMO (life+)
*projet relacher d'anguilles
*Travaux pratiques
*travaux de terrain
*E. Amilhat, G. Fazio, G. Simon, M. Manetti, S. Paris, L. Delahaut, H. Farrugio, R. Lecomte-Finiger, P. Sasal,
E. Faliex
European silver eels in Mediterranean habitats: their health and contribution to the spawning stock [EELIAD]
Ecology of Freshwater Fish - Soumis à publication
* C. Palacios, C. Urrutia, N. Knapp, M. Franch, A. Bertolero, G. Simon, L. Du Preez, O. Verneau.
First insights into the genetic diversity of the endangered Mediterranean pond turtleMauremys leprosa
(Schweigger, 1812) in France reveal a mixed origin of natural Populations
Biodiversity and Conservation - Soumis à publication
* C. Lorin-Nebela, V. Feltenb, E. Blondeau-Bideta, E. Grousseta, E. Amilhat, G. Simon, S. Biagiantid, G.
Individual and combined effects of copper and parasitism on osmoregulation in the European eel Anguilla
Aquatic Toxicology. 2013. 130 : 41– 50
* G .Fazio, H. Monée, C. Da Silva, G. Simon-Levert, JF.Allienne, R. Lecomte-Finiger, P. Sasal.
Changes in gene expression in European eels (Anguilla anguilla) induced by infection with swim bladder
nematodes (Anguillicola crassus).
J. Parasitol. 2009. 95(4) : 808-16.
* L. Benejam, C. Alcaraz, P. Sasal, G. Simon-Levert, E. García-Berthou.
Life history and parasites of the invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) along a latitudinal gradient.
Biological Invasions. 2009. 11 (10): 2265-2277
* E. Faliex, C. Da Silva, G. Simon, P. Sasal.
Dynamic expression of immune response genes in the sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, experimentally infected
with the monogenean Diplectanum aequans.
Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2008. 24 (6): 759-67
* Amilhat E., Farrugio H., Lecomte-Finiger R., Simon G., Sasal P. ; Silver eel population size and escapement
in a Mediterranean lagoon: Bages-Sigean, France ; Knowl. Managt. Aquatic Ecosyst. ; 2008 ; pages 390-391
Publications dans des revues internationales – Remerciements
*S. C. Mills
Density-dependent prophylaxis in the coral-eating crown-of-thorns sea star, Acanthaster planci
Coral Reefs. 2012. 31:603–612
*M. Badets, C. Morrison, O. Verneau.
Alternative parasite development in transmission strategies: how time flies!
Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2010. 23 (10) : 2151–2162.