Camille Labrousse
PhD-student CEntre de Formation et de Recherche sur les Environnements Méditerranéens (CEFREM), Université de Perpignan Via Domitia |
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I am currently doing a PhD at the University of Perpignan (France) in which I study the evolution of the water resources in the South of France and their relationships with climate and anthropogenic changes. I work at the watershed scale and I perform time series analyses to study the evolution of the water discharge of six Mediterranean rivers over a historical period (the last 60 years) as well as for future simulation scenarios.
Recent courses taught
Geoscience, Geomorphological processes, Paleontology
Peer-reviewed publications
(In preparation) Labrousse, C., Ludwig, W., Pinel, S., Sadaoui, M., Lacquement, G. Effect of teleconnection patterns on drought and water discharge in the Western Mediterranean: future projections for the 21st century
Labrousse, C., Ludwig, W., Pinel, S., Sadaoui, M., Lacquement, G. Unravelling Climate and Anthropogenic Forcings on the Evolution of Surface Water Resources in Southern France. Water 2020, 12(12), 3581. (Selected as *Editor's Choice Article*)
Dessandier, P.A., Knies, J., Plaza-Flaverola, A., Labrousse, C., Renoult, M., Panieri, G. Ice sheet melt drove methane emissions in the Arctic during the last two interglacials. Geology 2021.
World's Large River conference, Moscow, 2021. Labrousse, C., Ludwig, W., Pinel, S., Sadaoui, M. Lacquement, G. (Poster) Declining water resources in western Mediterranean associated with climatic changes
EGUv, 2021. Labrousse, C., Pinel, S., Sadaoui, M., Ludwig, W., Lacquement, G. (PICO presentation) Impact of climate change on superficial water resources in the South of France: statistical modelling over historical and future scenario periods
EGU, Vienna, 2020. Labrousse, C., Sadaoui, M., Pinel, S., Ludwig, W., Lacquement, G. (Poster). Identification of climatic and anthropogenic drivers for reduced waterflow in coastal Mediterranean rivers of southern France
PhD conference, Perpignan, 2019. Labrousse, C., Ludwig W., Lacquement, G., Kypreos, V., Sadaoui, M. (Talk) Impact of climate change in Mediterranean river basin water resources: characterization of the climate forcing and agricultural practices evolution.
EGU, Vienna, 2019. Labrousse, C., Wolfgang Ludwig, Guillaumne Lacquement, Mahrez Sadaoui. (Talk). Declining water resources in coastal Mediterranean river basins in southern France: climatic forcing and mitigation strategies for agricultural land use
Time-series analysis in environmental science and applications to climate change, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 2019. Labrousse, C., Ludwig, W., Sadaoui, M., Lacquement, G. (Poster) Effects of climatechange on the hydroclimatic conditions in coastal Mediterranean river basins in southern France
Gas in Marine Sediments (GIMS14). Haifa, Israel, 2018. Dessandier, P.A., Labrousse, C., Renoult, M., Knies, J., Lepland, A., Hong, W., Bohrmann, G., Panieri, G. (Poster) Paleo-emissions of methane on the Vestnesa Ridge (West-Svalbard) over the Quaternary revealed by benthic foraminiferal distribution and stable isotopes
Day of Scientific Meeting in Narbonne, 2018. Labrousse, C., Ludwig, W., Lacquement, G. (Talk) Climate change and Rurality: water resources in the Tet river basin.
Workshops and trainings
Climate Change Biology course. The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), 2020. Project: "Is the Arctic Greening affecting western Svalbard ? Satellite and ground-based observations as a tool for assessing the climatic impact on the vegetation cover"
Intern at the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE). UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2018. Master Thesis project: "Paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Vestnesa Ridge (79N) during the last 650 thousand years. A reference site to study methane emisisons area offshore Svalbard."
Intern at Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias de la Tierra (CEACTierra), UJA Universidad de Jaén, Spain, 2017. Project "Analysis and valorization of the Sierra Mágina Natural Park Geoheritage in the South of Spain"
Science popularization
Natura Catalana (monthly journal for the Catalan Natural Reserves), November 2020 n°40, p.8. Camille Labrousse L'Agly, le Tech et la Têt. Evolution des fleuves côtiers des Pyrénées-Orientales
(In preparation) 1er Cahier Régional Occitanie sur les Changeents Climatiques (CROCC_2021) (1st Regional Summary of Occitanie on Climatic Changes), Chapter 'Water'. Labrousse Camille, Ludwig Wolfgang. Réduction des ressources en eau superficielles en Occitanie-Est sur la période 1959-2018 associée aux changements climatiques et perspectives pour le 21ème siècle
Scholarships, Grants, etc
Recipient of the Award granted by the Association Françaises des Femmes dilômées des Universités (AFFDU) -2021
Article appreciation: "Unravelling Climate and Anthropogenic Forcings on the Evolution of Surface Water Resources in Southern France" DOI:10.3390/w12123581 selected as *Editor's Choice Article* of Water journal by the Editor-in-Chief. -2021
Financial aids: for multiple participations in conferences and workshops. Obtained from the Doctorate School 305 Energy and Environment -2018 to 2021
Ph.D fundings: Competition of the Doctoral School 305 Energy and Environment (ranked 5/5) -2018
Erasmus+ scholarship: Scholarship for studying abroad -2016