Nicolas Robin

Associate Professor - HDR

Coastal Morphodynamics


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Laboratoire CEFREM, UMR 5110
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Bat U
52, av. Paul Alduy
66860 Perpignan Cedex, France

 Tel: 33 (0)4 30 19 23 00
Fax: 33 (0)4 68 66 17 47


Topic Research

  • Coastal Dune and aeolian processes
  • Spit and coastal barrier evolution
  • Nearshore and intertidal bar behaviour
  • Hydrodynamic and sediment transport
  • Impacts of climate change on coastal systems


PhD students


* Sept 2023-Present:  Camille René - Impact du processus éolien sur la résilience du système plage-dune (co-advised with Hugues Heurtefeux)

* Oct 2021-Present:  Antoine Lamy - Processus éolien et son transport sédimentaire associé en condition de vent de terre sur le système plage-dune

* Oct 2020-Dec 2023:  Florian Meslard - Apport sableux par les fleuves cotiers méditerranéens et aléa de submersion marine (co-advised with François Bourrin and Yann Balouin)

* Oct 2019-Juin 2023:  Pierre Feyssat - Modélisation conceptuelle du fonctionnement d'une plage microtidale à barres en feston (co-advised with Raphael Certain)

* Oct 2011-Dec 2014:  Julie Billy - Morphologie et architecture d'une barrière composite paraglaciaire: L'isthme de Miquelon-Langlade (N-O Atlantique) (co-advised with Raphael Certain)

* Sept 2010-Dec 2013:  Nicolas AlemanMorphodynamique à l'échelle régionale d'une avant-côte microtidale à barres sédimentaires: Le cas du Languedoc-Roussillon à l'aide de la technologie LIDAR (co-advised with Raphael Certain)


Papers in peer-reviewed international journals


36/ Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to investigate airflow and sand transport on a human-made coastal foredune dominated by offshore wind: Impact of the shape variability

A.Lamy, T.A.G. Smyth, N.Robin and P.A. Hesp (2024), Coastal Engineering, 191, 104534.


35/ Impact of temporal beach grain size variability on aeolian sediment transport and topographic evolution in a microtidal environment

A.Lamy, N.Robin, T.A.G. Smyth, P.A. Hesp, C. René, P. Feyssat, O. Raynal and B. Hebert (2024), Geomorphology, 453, 109126.


34/ Morphodynamics of two Mediterranean microtidal beaches presenting permanent megacusps under the influence of waves and strong offshore winds

P.Feyssat, R.Certain, N.Robin, J.P.Barusseau, A.Lamy, O.Raynal and B.Hebert (2024), Continental Shelf Research, 272, 105160.


33/ The late Holocene parasequence of the Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania): Role of aeolian detrital inputs in the lithology of shallow water platform parasequences

A.Dia, R.Certain, N.Aleman, R.Vernet, N.Robin, J.P.Barusseau, O.Raynal and J.Billy (2023), Marine Geology, 460, 107064.


32/ Natural remobilization and historical evolution of a modern coastal transgressive dunefield

N.Robin, J.Billy, A.Nicolae-Lerma, B.Castelle, P.A.Hesp, D.Rosebery, C.Fauny, J.Deparis, V.Marieu, C.Bouchet and G.Miot da Silva (2023), Earth Surface Landforms and Processes. Doi:10.1002/esp.5535


31/ Morphodynamic behaviour of a Mediterranean intermittent estuary with opening phases primarly dominated by offshore winds

P.Feyssat, R.Certain, N.Robin, O.Raynal, N.Aleman, B.Hebert, A.Lamy and J.P.Barusseau (2022), Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, 1817.


30/ Assessing the role of extrem Mediterranean events on coastal river outlets dynamics

F.Meslard, X.Balouin, N.Robin and F.Bourrin (2022), Water. 14, 2463.


29/ Formation and morphodynamics of complex multi-hooked spits and the contribution of swash bars

X.Pellerin Le Bas, F.Levoy, N.Robin and E.Anthony (2022), Earth Surface Landforms and Processes. 47 (01), 159-178.


28/ 150 years of Foredune initiation and evolution driven by human and natural processes

N.Robin, J.Billy, B.Castelle, P.A.Hesp, A.Nicolae-Lerma, Q.Laporte-Fauret, V.Marieu, D.Rosebery, S.Bujan, B.Destribats and R.Michalet (2021), Geomorphology, 107516.


27/ Sand spit dynamics in a large tidal-range environment: insight from multiple Lidar, UAV and hydrodynamic measurements on multiple spit hook development, breaching, reconstruction and shoreline changes

N.Robin, F.Levoy, E.Anthony and O.Monfort (2020), Earth Surface Landforms and Processes. 45 (11), 2706-2726.


26/ Beach-dune recovery from the extrem 2013-2014 storms erosion at Truc Vert beach, Southwest France: New insights from Ground-Penetrating radar

N.Robin, J.Billy, B.Castelle, P.A.Hesp, Q.Laporte-Fauret, A.Nicolae-Lerma, V.Marieu, D.Rosebery, S.Bujan, B.Destribats and R.Michalet (2020), Journal of Coastal Research SI.95, 588-592.


25/ Assessing the role of storm waves and river discharge on sediment bypassing mechanisms at the Têt river mouth in the Mediterranean (Southeast France)

Y.Balouin, F.Bourrin, F.Meslard, E.Palvadeau and N.Robin (2020), Journal of Coastal Research SI.95, 351-355.


24/ Impact of relative sea-level changes since the last deglaciation on the formation of a composite paraglacial barrier
J.Billy, N.Robin, C.Hein, D.FitzGerald and R.Certain (2018), Marine Geology, (400), 76-93.


23/ Dominance of inherited geological framework on the development of coastal barrier system
J.Billy, N.Robin, C.Hein, D.FitzGerald and R.Certain (2018), Journal of Coastal Research, SI 85, 406-410.


22/ New evidence of relative sea-level stability during the post-6000 Holocene on the Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania)             
R.Certain, A.Dia, N.Aleman, N.Robin, R.Vernet, J.P. Barusseau and O.Raynal (2018), Marine Geology, (395), 331-345.


21/ Morphodynamics of slightly oblique nearshore bars and their relationship with the cycle of net offshore migration
R.Certain, N.Robin, and J.P. Barusseau (2017), Marine Geology, (392), 41-52.


20/ Longshore variability of beach states and bar types in a microtidal, storm-influenced, low wave-energy environment
N.Aleman, N.Robin, R.Certain, E.J. Anthony and J.P. Barusseau (2015), Geomorphology, (241), 175-191.


19/ Insight into the late Holocene sea-level changes in the NW Atlantic from a paraglacial beach-ridge plain south of Newfoundland
J.Billy, N.Robin, C.Hein, R.Certain and D.FitzGerald (2015), Geomorphology, (248), 134-146.


18/ Wind-driven bottom currents and related sedimentary bodies in Lake Saint-Jean (Québec, Canada)
M.Schuster, J.F.Ghienne, C.Roquin, M.B. Hay, F.Rétif, R.Certain, N.Robin, O.Raynal, P.A.Cousineau, SIROCCO Team and F.Bouchette, (2015), Geological Society of America Bulletin, B31145.1, 1-15.


17/ Wave-driven circulation over a double nearshore bar system during storm conditions
R.Certain, F.Bouchette, E.J.Anthony, S.Meulé and
N.Aleman, (2014), Journal of Coastal Research SI.70, 84-89.


16/ Internal architecture of mixed sand and gravel beach ridges: Miquelon Langlade Barrier, NW Atlantic
J.Billy, N.Robin, C.Hein, R.Certain and D.FitzGerald (2014), Marine Geology, (357), 53-71.


15/ 20th century sediment budget trends on the Western Gulf of Lions shoreface (France): An application of an integrated method for the study of sediment coastal reservoirs
C.Brunel, R.Certain, F.Sabatier, N.Robin, J.P.Barusseau, N.Aleman and O.Raynal (2014), Geomorphology, (204), 625-637.


14/ Three simple indicators of vunerability to climate change on a  Mediterranean beach: a modelling approach
P.Larroudé, T.Oudart, M.Daou, N.Robin and R.Certain, (2014), Ocean Engineering, (76), 172-182.


13/ Seismic-stratigraphic record of a deglaciation sequence: from the marine Laflamme Gulf to lake Saint-Jean (late Quaternary, Québec, Canada)
A.Nutz, J.F.Ghienne, M.Schuster, R.Certain, N.Robin, C.Roquin, O.Raynal, F.Bouchette, P.Duringer and P.A.Cousineau (2014), Boreas, (43-2), 309-329.


12/ Formation and migration of transverse bars along a tidal sandy coast deduced from multi-temporal Lidar datasets
F.Levoy, E.Anthony, O.Monfort, N.Robin and P.Bretel, (2013), Marine Geology, (342), 39-52.


11/ The VULSACO project, vulnerability of sandy coast to climate variability: method, results and lessons
D.Idier, B.Castelle, M.Poumadère, Y.Balouin, R.B.Bertoldo, F.Bouchette, F.Boulahya, O.Brivois, D.Calvette, S.Capo, R.Certain, E.Charles, E.Chateauminois, E.Delvallée, A.Falqués, P.Fattal, M.Garcin, R.Garnier, A.Héquette, P.Laroudé, S.Lecacheux, G.Le Cozannet, M.Maanan, C.Mallet, A.Maspataud, C.Oliveros, M.Paillart, J.P.Parisot, R.Pedreros, N.Robin, M.Robin, E.Romieu, M.H.Ruz, J.Thiébot and C.Vinchon, (2013), Climate Research, (57-1), 19-44.


10/ Characteristic and dynamic of Net Offshore bar Migration at a regional scale: inter-site comparaison (Languedoc-Roussillon, France)
N.Aleman, N.Robin, R.Certain, J.P.Barusseau and M.Gervais (2013), Journal of Coastal Research SI. 65, 1715-1720.


9/ Coastal barrier behavior in relation to nearshore sediment budget: the Miquelon Langlade Barrier, France
J.Billy, N.Robin, R.Certain, C.Hein and S.Berné (2013), Journal of Coastal Research SI. 65, 2089-2094.


8/ Contribution of hydrodynamic conditions during shallow water stages to the sediment balance on a tidal flat: Mont-Saint-Michel bay, Normandy, France
R.Desguée, N.Robin, L.Gluard, O.Monfort, E.J.Anthony and F.Levoy, (2011), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol 94-11, 343-354.


7/ Typology of nearshore bars in Gulf of Lions (France) using LIDAR technology
N.Aleman, N.Robin, R.Certain, C.Vanroye, J.P.Barusseau and F.Bouchette, (2011), Journal of Coastal Research, SI. 64, 721–725.


6/ Morphodynamic evolution of nearshore bars in response to winter storms (Lido de Sète, NW Mediterranean)
M.Gervais, Y.Balouin, J.Thiebot, R.Certain, R.Belon, R.Pedreros, N.Robin and S.Berné, (2011), Journal of Coastal Research SI. 64, 1855-1860.


5/ Hydrodynamics conditions over a double barred coast (Leucate Beach, France)
P.Ferrer, R.Certain, F.Adloff, F.Bouchette, J.P.Barusseau, S.Meulé and N.Robin, (2011), Journal of Coastal Research SI. 64, 2032-2036.


4/ Short term morphodynamics of an intertidal bar on megatidal ebb delta
N.Robin, F.Levoy, and O.Monfort, Marine Geology (2009), 260, 102-120.


3/ Short-term to multi-decadal scale onshore bar migration and shoreline changes in the vicinity of a megatidal ebb delta
N.Robin, F.Levoy, O.Monfort and E.Anthony, Journal of Geophysical Research (2009), 114, F04024, doi: 10.1029/2008JF001207.


2/ Etapes et rythmes de formation d'une flèche sédimentaire à crochets multiples en environnement mégatidal
et F.Levoy (2007), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 51, 337-360.


1/ Bar Morphodynamic Behaviour on the Ebb Delta of a Macrotidal Inlet (Normandy, France)
, F.Levoy, and O.Monfort (2007), Journal of Coastal Research, 23 (6). 1370-1378.


Papers in peer-reviewed international conferences 

 1/ Morphodynamic of bars on the ebb delta of a megatidal inlet (Normandy, France)
, and F.Levoy,  (2005), Coastal Dynamics'05, Barcelona.

2/ 3D hydrodynamic modelling of a microtidal barred beach (Sete, NW Mediterranean Sea) during storm conditions
H.Michaud, N.Robin, C.Estournel,
P.Marsaleix, Y.Leredde, R.Certain and F.Bouchette,  (2013), Coastal Dynamic'13, Bordeaux.

3/ Secular sediment budget of the Languedoc-Roussillon shoreface (Western Gulf of Lions)
C.Brunel, R.Certain, F.Sabatier, N.Robin, J.P.Barusseau, N.Aleman and O.Raynal (2013),
Coastal Dynamic'13, Bordeaux.

4/ The Arçay spit and Lay estuary (Vendée, France): New data to highlight sediment dynamics and support coastal management
A.Dehouck et al., (2013),
Coastal Dynamic'13, Bordeaux.

5/ Imaging the internal architecture and explain the dynamic of foredeunes by GPR Investigations (Normandy, France)
J.Baumann, M.Bano, J.R.Dujardin, M.Schuster, P.Duringer and N.Robin (2014) Proceeding of Near Surface Geoscience, 20th European meeting of Environmental and Enggineering Geophtsics, 5p.

6/ Morphodynamics of slighty oblique nearshore bars and their influence on the cycle of net offshore bar migration
N.Aleman, R.Certain and N.Robin (2017), Coastal Dynamic'17, Helsingor Denmark, 544-554.



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