Philippe LENFANT
Professeur UPVD Cefrem, Université de Perpignan 52, av. Paul Alduy |
Axe 1 : Mécanismes de maintien des populations de poissons exploitées
- Importance du recrutement dans le maintien des populations : compréhension des mécanismes induisant une variabilité spatio-temporelle (suivi temporel de 15 ans)
- L’anguille européenne : conséquence des contaminations multi-agents sur les populations
- Variabilité spatio-temporelle de l’installation des post-larves : indicateur de la Biodiversité marine
- Capture et élevage de post-larve : stratégie de repeuplement et soutien à la pêche artisanale
Axe 2 : Fonctionnement des Aires Marines Protégées et des Récifs Artificiels
- Evolution spatio-temporelle de l’effet « réserve » par comptage visuel en plongée
- Recherche d’Indicateur de l’efficacité des AMP et des Récifs Artificiels
- Exportation de biomasse des AMP et connectivité entre AMP par marquage (acoustique, marque externe, analyse de forme et microanalyse chimique des otolithes
- Gouvernance et AMP
Axe 3 : Caractérisation des comportements des poissons à plusieurs échelles de temps
- Connectivité entre habitats naturels et artificiels
- Mécanismes de recolonisation d’une espèce protégée : évaluation des mouvements individuels par suivi acoustique (le cas du mérou brun de Méditerranée)
Axe 4 : Impact du changement global sur les peuplements de poissons (biodiversité, densité, etc.)
Modifications de la répartition des espèces exploitées par suivi des débarquements de pêche artisanale
- Ecologie Marine
- Récolte et traitement en écologie marine (plongée scientifique)
- Gestion du Milieu Marin
- Restauration écologique marine
- Lenfant P. & Planes S., 1996. Genetic differentiation of the white sea bream, Diplodus sargus, within the Lion's Gulf and the Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean sea). Journal of Fish Biology, 49 : 613-621.
- Lenfant P. & Olive C., 1998. Changements graduels du régime alimentaire des juvéniles d'oblades (Oblada melanura, Sparidae) lors du recrutement. Cybium, 22 (3) : 203-210.
- Planes S., Jouvenel J.Y. & Lenfant P., 1998. Density-dependence in post-recruitment processes of juvenile sparids in the littoral of the Mediterranean Sea. Oikos, 83 : 293-300.
- Planes S., Galzin R., Garcia-Rubies A., Goñi R., Harmelin J.G., Le Diréach L., Lenfant P. & Quetglas A., 2000. Effects of marine protected areas on recruitment processes with special focus on Mediterranean littoral ecosystems, Environmental Conservation, 27 (2) : 126-143.
- Lecchini D., Lenfant P. & Planes S., 2002. Estimation of reserve effect of sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus in the marine protected area of Cerbère-Banyuls. Vie Milieu, 52 (2-3) : 111-118.
- Lenfant P., 2002. Hétérozygotie et valeur sélective : le cas du poisson marin, Diplodus sargus (Linné, 1758). Compte Rendu de l’Académie des Sciences, 325 : 239-252.
- Lenfant P. et Planes S., 2002. Temporal genetic changes between cohorts in a natural population of marine fish, Diplodus sargus. Biological Journal of Linnean Society, 76 : 9-20.
- Planes S., Lecaillon G., Lenfant P. & Meekan M., 2002. Genetic and demographic variations in new recruits of Naso unicornis, a coral reef fish. Journal of Fish Biology, 61 : 1033-1049.
- Planes S. & Lenfant P., 2002 Temporal change in the genetic structure between and within cohorts of marine fish, Diplodus sargus. Molecular Ecology, 11 : 1515-1524. Lenfant P., 2003. Demographic and genetic structure of white seabream populations (Diplodus sargus, Linnaeus, 1758) inside and outside a Mediterranean marine reserve. Compte Rendu Académie des Sciences Biologie, 326 (8) : 751-760.
- Lenfant, P., Louisy, P. & M.L. Licari., 2003. Recensement des mérous bruns (Epinephelus marginatus) de la réserve naturelle de Cerbère-Banyuls (France, Méditerranée Nord Occidentale). Cybium, 27(1) : 27-36.
- Sasal P., Desdevises Y., Durieux E, Lenfant P. and P. Romans, 2004. Parasites in marine protected areas : success and specificity of Monogeneans. Journal of Fish Biology, 64 (2) : 370-379.
- Teia Santos A., Sasal P., Verneau O. et Lenfant P., 2006. A method to detect the parasitic nematodes from the family Anisakidae, in Sardina pilchardus, using specific primers of 18 S DNA gene. European Food Research and Technology. 222 (1-2) : 71-77.
- Pérez-Ruzafa A., González-Wangüemert M., Lenfant P., Marcos C. García-Charton J.A., 2006. Effects of Fishing Protection on the Genetic Structure of Fish Populations. Are Islands the Best Choice as Marine Protected Areas? Biological Conservation, 129 : 244-255.
- Chlaida M., Kifani S., Lenfant P., Ouragh L., 2006. Allozymic differentiation of sardine populations Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) in the Moroccan Atlantic. Marine Biology. 149(2): 169-175.
- Gonzalez C. & Lenfant P., 2007. Inter-annual variability and intra-annual stability of the otolith shape in European Anchovy. Journal of Fish Biology. 70:35-49.
- Crec’hriou R., Bonhomme P., Criquet G., Cadiou G., Lenfant P., Bernard G., Roussel E., Le Dire’ach L., Planes S., 2008. Spatial patterns and GIS habitat modelling of fish in two French Mediterranean coastal areas. Hydrobiologia, 612:135-153.
- Goñi R, Adlerstein S, Alvarez-Berastegui D, Forcada A, Reñones O, Criquet G, Polti S, Cadiou G, Valle C, Lenfant P, Bonhomme P, Perez-Ruzafa A, Sánchez-Lizaso J-L, García-Charton J, Bernard G, Stelzenmüller V, Planes S., 2008. Evidence of spillover from six Western Mediterranean marine protected areas measured from artisanal fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 366 : 159-174.
- Pastor J., Astruch P., Prats E., Dalias N., Lenfant P., 2008. First observations of Pomadasys incisus (Bowdich, 1825) scuba diving from the French catalan coast. Cybium, 32:185-186.
- Stelzenmuller V., Maynou F., Bernard G., Cadiou G., Camilleri M., Crec’hriou R., Criquet G., Dimech M., Esparza O., Higgins R., Lenfant P., Perez-Ruzafa A., 2008. Spatial assessment of fishing effort around European marine reserves: Implications for successful fisheries management. Marine Polution Bulletin, 56 :2018-2026.
- Forcada A., Valle C., Bonhomme P., Criquet G., Cadiou G., Lenfant P., Sánchez-Lizaso J.L., 2008. Effects of habitat on spillover from Marine Protected Areas to artisanal fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 379: 197-211.
- Pastor J., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Astruch P., Dalias N., Nelva Pasqual J.S., Saragoni G., Lenfant P., 2009. Acoustic telemetry survey of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) in the Marine Reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls: informations on the territoriality of this emblematic species. Compte Rendu Biologie, 332 (8): 732-740.
- Claudet J., Lenfant P., Schrimm M., 2010. Snorkelers impact on fish communities and algae in a temperate marine protected area. Biodiversity Conservation, 19: 1649-1658.
- Roussel E., Crech’riou R., Lenfant P., Mader J. Planes S., 2010. Relative influence of space, time and environment on coastal ichtyoplankton assemblages along a temperate rocky shore. Journal of Plankton Research, 32: 1443-1457.
- Claudet J., Garcia-Charton J.-A., Lenfant P., 2011. A GIS-based multivariate approach to study species habitat relationships with application for MPA assessment. Conservation Biology, 25: 105-114.
- Hussein C., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Pastor J., Ibrahim A., Saragoni G., Pelletier D., Mahévas S., Lenfant P., 2011. Assessing the impact of artisanal and recreational fishing and protection on a white seabream (Diplodus sargus sargus) population in the north-western Mediterranean Sea using a simulation model. Part 1: Parameterization and simulations. Fisheries Research, 108: 163–173.
- Hussein C., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Pastor J., Ibrahim A., Saragoni G., Pelletier D., Mahévas S., Lenfant P., 2011. Assessing the impact of artisanal and recreational fishing and protection on a white seabream (Diplodus sargus sargus) population in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, using a simulation model. Part 2: Sensitivity analysis and management measures. Fisheries Research 108 : 174–183
- Koeck B., Pastor J., Larénie L., Astruch P., Saragoni G., Jarraya M., Lenfant P., 2011. Evaluation of impact of artificial reefs on artisanal fisheries: need for complementary approaches. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 59: 1-11.
- Charbonnel E., Harmelin J.G., Carnus F., Le Direac’h L., Ruitton S., Lenfant P., Beurois J., 2011. Artificial reefs in Marseille (France, Mediterranean Sea) from complex natural habitat to concept of efficient artificial reef design. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 59: 177-178.
- Crec’Hriou R., Neveu R., Lenfant P., 2012. Length-weight relationship of main commercial fishes from the French Catalan coast. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 861-862.
- Koeck B., Gudefin A., Romans P., Loubet J., Lenfant P., 2013. Effects of intracoelomic tagging procedure on white seabream (Diplodus sargus) behavior and survival. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 440:1-7.
- Pastor J., Koeck B., Astruch J., Lenfant P., 2013. Coastal man-made habitats: potential nurseries for an exploited fish species, Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758). Fisheries Research, 148: 74-80.
- Koeck B., Alos J., Caro A., Neveu R., Crec’Hriou R., Saragoni G., Lenfant P., 2013. Contrasting fish behavior in artificial seascapes with implications for resources conservation. Plos One, 8(7): e69303.
- Tessier A., Pastor J., Francour P., Saragoni G., Crec’Hriou R., Lenfant P., 2013. Video transect as a complement to underwater visual census to study reserve effect on fish assemblages. Aquatic Biology, 18: 229-241.
- Tessier A., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Boulet S., Dalias S., Lenfant P., 2014. A case study of artificial reefs as a potential tool for maintaining artisanal fisheries in the French Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Biology, 20: 255-272.
- Koeck B., Tessier A., Brind’Amour A., Pastor J., Bijaoui B., Dalias N., Astruch P., Saragoni G., Lenfant P., 2014. Functional differences between fish communities on artificial and natural reefs: a case study along the French Catalan coast. Aquatic Biology, 20: 219-234.
- Garcia J., Rousseau Y., Legrand H., Saragoni G., Lenfant P., 2014. Movement patterns of fish in a Martinique MPA: implications for marine reserve design. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 513: 171-185.
- Koeck B., Pastor J., Saragoni G., Dalias N., Payrot J., Lenfant P., 2014. Diel and seasonal movement pattern of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus inside a marine reserve. Marine Environmental Research, 94: 38-47.
- Garcia J., Mourier J., Lenfant P., 2015. Spatial behavior of two coral reef fishes within a Carribean marine protected area. Marine Environmental Research, 109: 41-51.
- Tessier A., Francour P., Charbonnel E., Dalias N., Bodilis P., Seaman W., Lenfant P., 2015. Assessment of French artificial reefs: due to limitations of research, trends may be misleading. Hydrobiologia, 753: 1-29.
- Lteif M., Mouawad R., Khalaf G., Lenfant P., Verdoit-Jarraya M., 2016. Population biology of an endangered species: the common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatos in Lebanese marine waters of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 88: 1441-1459.
- Bouchoucha M., Darnaude A.M., Gudefin A., Neveu R., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Boissery P., Lenfant P., 2016. Potential use of marinas as nursery grounds by rocky fishes: insights from four Diplodus species in the Mediterranean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 547: 193–209.
- Mercader M., Fontcuberta A., Mercière A., Saragoni G., Boissery P., Bérenger L., Dubas R., Lecaillon G., Pastor J., Lenfant P., 2016. Observation of juvenile dusky groupers (Epinephelus marginatus) in artificial habitats of North-Western Mediterranean harbors. Marine Biodiversity 47(2).
- Cheminée A., Rider M., Lenfant P., Zawadzki A., Mercière A., Crec'hriou R., Mercader M., Saragoni G., Neveu R., Ternon Q, Pastor J., 2017. Shallow rocky nursery habitat for fish: Spatial variability of juvenile fishes among this poorly protected essential habitat. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 119: 245-254.
- Mercader M., Mercière A., Saragoni G., Cheminée A., Crec’hriou R., Pastor J., Rider M., Dubas R., Lecaillon G., Boissery P., Lenfant P., 2017. Small artificial habitats to enhance the nursery function for juvenile fish in a large commercial port of the Mediterranean. Ecological Engineering, 105: 78–86.
- Lteif M., Mouawad R., Khalaf G., Lenfant P., Seret B., Verdoit-Jarraya M., 2017. Population biology of the little gulper shark Centrophorus uyato in Lebanese waters. Journal of Fish Biology, 91: 1491-1509.
- Bouchoucha M., Brach-Papaa C., Gonzalez J.-L., Lenfant P., Darnaude A.M., 2018. Growth, condition and metal concentration in juveniles of two Diplodus species in ports. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 126: 31–42.
- Selfati M., El Ouamari N., Lenfant P., Fontcuberta A, Lecaillon G., Mesfioui A., Boissery P., Bazairi H., 2018. Promoting restoration of fish communities using artificial habitats in coastal marinas. Biological Conservation, 219: 89-95.
- Mercader M., Rider M., Cheminée A., Pastor J., Zawadzki A., Mercière A., Crec’hriou R., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Lenfant P., 2018. Spatial distribution of juvenile fish along an artificialized seascape, insights from common coastal species in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Environmental Research -, 137: 60-72.
- Mercader M., Blazy C., Di Pane J., Devissi C., Mercière A., Cheminée A., Thiriet P., Pastor J., Crec’hriou R., Jarraya M., Lenfant P., 2019. Is artificial habitat diversity a key to restore nurseries for juvenile coastal fish? Ex-situ experiments on habitat selection and survival of juvenile seabreams. Restoration Ecology – accepté avec modifications.
- Manel S., Loiseau N., Andrello M., Fietz K., Goñi R., Forcada A., Lenfant P., Kininmonth S., Marcos C., Marques V., Mallol S., Pérez-Rufaza A., Breusing C., Puebla O., Mouillot D., 2019. Long-distance benefits of marine reserves: myth or reality? Trends in Ecology and Evolution (sous presse)
- Faillettaz R., Voué R., Crec’hriou R., Garsi L-H, Lecaillon G., Agostini S., Lenfant P., Irisson J.-O., 2020. Spatio-temporal patterns of larval fish settlement in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series (sous-presse)